Zoë arrived on March 1st, a whole week early. Which surprised me, as I was convinced she'd be late. Maybe it was something to do with the full moon the previous night. Either way, she was in quite a hurry to make her way into the world.
We love her to bits (even when she insists on staying awake crying until 5am) and when things settle down a bit (I'm assured they will at some stage), I'll be back to the world of blogging again.
OMG!!! What a sweet little angel!!!!
She's so beautiful!!!
My husband & I are thinking of getting pregnant and seeing your baby makes me wanna hurry!!!
Big kisses and congrats!!!
Thank you :) Despite the sleeplessness, I can only recommend it!
Congratulations xgirl, she is really adorable. I'm in the early stages of pregnancy- still getting morning sickness, but seeing images like this remind me that it's all worth it. Enjoy your time off blogging with your beautiful baby girl.
Thanks Ash3 :) You're right, she is worth every moment of the less pleasant parts of pregnancy! Congratulations to you too.
aw xgirl she's only beautiful, just saw you commenting on beaut & clicked through to the blog.
zoe has great hair! my fella does too but he's got some baldy patches on the back now, looks like a little monk i'm 11 weeks in now, and flippin knackered. we've had a leaky pooey nappy & a massive spit up already today, so he's on his 3rd outfit. however i did paint my nails for the first time since pre-baby the other day so i must be turning a corner!
really hope you're getting time to catch your breath & enjoy her (even though its bloody hard work!) well done! jill
Hi Jill! Zoë is having a good day today so all is well in our world. I can't believe she's already 4 weeks old - it is flying by so quickly. Hope your little man is doing well in spite of the frequent wardrobe changes :)
Ahhh so cute, congrats congrats!!
Thanks, thanks :)
she's beautiful! congrats! xx
What an angel.
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